Friday, December 26, 2008
Mississippi Ellie!
Christmas time in Mississippi! Ellie's first big road trip to Mississippi! We made it home late Monday night & Ellie was such a good traveler! Thank God she loves her carseat & of course her little fish tank on the back of the seat! For her first time in MS, she sure has covered some ground! To Jackson we went till Xmas Eve, Xmas day (& Daddy's bday) till the 28th & then back to Jxn for awhile till Daddy comes back the 9th! Santa was GREAT to Ellie! We can't wait till next year when she can actually see the man in Red! It's so much fun to have her here and to celebrate such a special time with family! We hope all of you have had a great Xmas and we hope everyone has a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
4 weeks Tomorrow
I can't believe it has been 4 weeks already! The time has FLOWN by, but it has been such an amazing experience so far! It's crazy to see how much she has grown in these 4 weeks! Brantley has started his crazy rotation at the hospital, so we bundle up, bring him dinner and visit with him on the nights he has cross covering and doesn't come home:( It's nice to be able to see him even for a couple minutes! I'm sure it's not easy on him being away from Ellie either! But here are a couple more pics...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Our special gift arrived!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tomorrow, Tomorrow...
It's time for us to meet Ellie!
We are headed to the hospital tomorrow night, so Ellie will be here sometime on Thursday!!!! Yeah! I can't believe we are going to meet her sooo soon! We haven't been able to sleep very well lately, not so much because I'm uncomfortable, but we are so excited to meet our little miracle! It's like counting down to Christmas/Brantley's birthday around here-you get to finally see what's in the package!! So, as soon as we get home and settled, I will posted pics of Little Miss Ellie!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mommy & Daddy Day!!
Brantley is off this whole week & what a fun week we are having so far! Yesterday was the best though...we had Mommy & Daddy pedicures! This would be the first time Brantley has EVER stepped foot in a mani/pedi place! Once he sat in the massage chair though, I think he enjoyed it! The little lady really wanted to paint his toes hot pink, but I think she knew Brantley would have taken her down if she tried! ha! After our pedicures we headed to lunch, the boot store & a couple more stores, before heading home to have a great dinner! Yesterday was a day to remember since we don't get days with just the 2 of us often & pretty soon there will be 3!
Last weekend we had a blast!! We headed out to Keeneland for tailgating & a couple races! After we headed home to watch Ole Miss/Bama, then we went tailgating & to the UK/Arkansas game! I was very surprised I lasted the whole day, but it wasn't bad at all. (I must admit I was a little sore from walking soooo much in cowboy boots!!) Next week little Ellie will be here & we can't wait to see our little blessing!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Maternity Pics!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
The countdown is on....
So we have about 20 something more days!!! I can't believe we get to meet little Ellie soon!! We are so excited! We took our final trip before Ellie gets here to Mississippi last week, we had a blast! Daddy went fishing with some of his buddies down in LA for a couple days & I just finalized some things for the nursery!! Here are the final pics of Ellie's we just wait for little miss thing to get here!
Monday, September 15, 2008
"How are you going to bowl pregnant lady?"
So that was the question I got from a 7 year-old! ha! Last Friday we decided to go bowling with Lauren, Bryan, the boys and Hobbs! We had a blast, even though I had to fight a 5-year-old for his 6 pound ball:) So we decided to take some pictures to see if my stomach was bigger or the bowling ball...well they are pretty darn close!! Clay also does a great impression of me!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Couples Shower
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ellie's Baby Shower!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ellie's Room 98% finished!!!
My 30th bday & 10 more wks!
We have 10 more weeks left! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by & we have so much going on in the next 10 weeks!!! I celebrated my 30th bday last wed & it was great bday thanks to my wonderful husband! Brantley surprised me with a beautiful DY ring & dinner at our neighborhood Mexican restaurant with some friends, plus I had a prenatal massage that afternoon (highly recommended for you pregnant people)! All in all it was a wonderful birthday & I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband & a beautiful baby girl on the way!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
And down the stretch we come...
We are in the 3rd trimester! How exciting! I can't believe how quick the time has flown by! Ellie is enjoying herself, moving around and listening to what daddy has to tell her! Every night he talks to her; he let's her know all the fun and exciting things she has been receiving! She seems to listening, because she stops moving when he talks and then starts again when he stops.
We have been really busy the past 2 weeks getting the house ready for our new member. Tomorrow we will have a new roof on our house and Wednesday we will have new kitchen countertops! Plus, this week we are getting ready for my mom, Brantley's mom, my sister and so many more to come to Ellie's baby shower! We can't wait to see everyone!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The NEW swimming pool!
So about a month ago we purchased a pool for the backyard (we're "testing" pools before Ellie gets here!), that pool wasn't the best so we have a NEW one and it's AMAZING! It's big and so comfortable, I mean you can seriously lean back, kick your feet up and go to sleep. Just ask Brantley, he slept in it for 2 hours! Plus, the alligator matches the pool, Beaux hasn't warmed up to the alligator yet-he's not sure why the alligator moves in the water (the wind blows him around from end to end and Beaux tries to catch him!). Ellie loves it already, she was kicking up a storm when I was sitting in it! I think we might have a lil' swimmer!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
4th of July!
We had a fun 4th with the Nichols gang in town (including Margaret)!! We went downtown for the parade (that's an interesting site), showed them some fun places in Lexington and grilled some ribs! Jonathan was a master at throwing firecrackers-hit our neighbor and managed to throw a smoke bomb in Robbie's new car!!! He got the award for the weekend! ha!
Ellie is growing like a weed, which i guess means i am too. She's so active, kicks me all the time and now Brantley is able to feel her too! It's truly amazing! We rearranged her room this past week, because we got the rocker back from being recovered and her room is looking great! I'll add the final pics after our shower Aug 9th! Mom and Robbie are coming up to help finish it off! Well here is a pic from the 4th (I'll add belly pics later-for those who keep asking about them-i know i'm bad about adding them!)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Swimming Pool!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
20 Weeks=HALFWAY!!!

This week is our halfway mark! It's crazy to think that we are seriously halfway there, the time has flown by. This weekend was a BIG weekend, we celebrated Brantley's Father's Day-to-be (which really meant Daddy could do whatever he wanted!), so we watched the US Open, LSU and the Celtics/Lakers! Ellie gained another friend this past weekend when our dear friends Erin and Brady welcomed Eileen into the world! So now Crew (Sterling and Bobby's lil' man) and Eileen are waiting for a couple more friends before the end of the year comes!!! We have an anatomy appointment on wed, we get to see Ellie's arms, legs, length, how many ounces, confirm again that she is a girl:), etc... So we'll keep you posted on the progress of Ellie!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ellie's Room
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It's a GIRL!!!!
Well, it's been an interesting couple weeks! We went to Mississippi last week, but the day before we left I was in a car wreck:( So the night before we left we were up at the UK Triage, getting tests done to make sure lil' peanut was doing alright (the seat belt left a small mark on my stomach and bruise from the buckle; plus I'm O- blood type and had to get a shot). So, with all that happening we left Friday night and drove to MS!!!!! Sunday morning we went and found out our lil' peanut is a GIRL!! Kelling Elizabeth "Ellie"!!!!! Kelling was my old middle name and my great grandmother's last name. Elizabeth is my sister's middle name and Brantley's grandmother's name!! Lots of family was covered with Ellie's name and we can't wait till she gets here!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
16 weeks! Peanut's about 4 inches

We're at 16 weeks!!! Yeah!!! Peanut's already a Rebel fan, we had a fun weekend cheering for the Rebs! They were in Lexington playing UK in baseball!
Well, we went up to UK last night to see if we could see what peanut is, but peanut didn't want to cooperate. Imagine that, after all the Daddy is Brantley:) We are heading home to Mississippi on Friday and while we are there we are going to try again!
Brantley's new thing is to give the baby an earthquake-do give a baby an earthquake, you put your hand on the belly and lightly move it back and forth. Brantley finds this very amusing!
But here is a picture of the lil' peanut from yesterday!
Monday, May 5, 2008
The beginning of the 2nd Trimester
Thursday, May 1, 2008
1st Trimester check up
Today we had our first trimester check up! Everything looks great, heartbeat is still in the low 170's and all our tests came back normal! YEAH!
We have our next appointment in 4 weeks and then we will know if peanut is a boy or a girl! I'll post the last ultrasound picture as soon as I get it scanned!
So hello 2nd trimester!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Peanut's heartbeat!

Last Thursday we went for an ultrasound and heard peanut's heartbeat which was 175 bmp! Plus, the tech was trying to measure lil peanut, but it kept doing sit ups! ha! so all the measurements were so different, so thanks to my crazy lil one, i'm going back wednesday for another ultrasound! but everything looks great!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
First Look at Peanut

Today we had our first ultrasound and saw our little peanut! Not much to see now, but we were very excited to see lil' peanut! Peanuts heartbeat looked great and our doctor even said our baby has a good sack (lots of room to grow)! ha! i know what some of you were thinking! Anyways, we will keep y'all posted on peanuts growth!
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