Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ellie's First steps

I"m so Ellie started taking steps by herself, both Brantley & I were here to witness it! How exciting that both of us were here to see it together!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Almost ONE!!

I can't believe my little Ellie is turning one in 15 days!!! My how the time flies!! What joy she has brought to us through this past year!
Ellie is crawling & rolling every where & is now testing her balancing ability! She takes a few steps alone, but can sure walk from thing to thing!
For her 1st birthday her Daddy & I decided on getting her a puppy! So we now have a beautiful white lab named "Cotton"! Ellie loves him so much! Beaux on the other hand 'hates' him right now! So, we shall see how that relationship develops! Here are some pics of Ellie and Cotton!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Go REBS!!!

We're getting ready for football season!!! Yeah just a month left till kick off!! Here's Ellie learning Hotty Toddy!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Busy lil lady!!

So much has been going on the last month, that I haven't had time to update the blog in awhile! Ellie is a funny little lady, she has the best personality & doesn't miss a beat! I take her to physical therapy twice a week with me & she has now become their 'mascot' (so they say)! They can't believe that she's is always so happy, no matter what time of day, she's smiling at everyone & admiring the people in crutches:) 
She loves her bath time; I never knew that watching a little one in the tub for 15 mins could be so fun! Ellie has started crawling, especially towards Beaux! Her 2 bottom teeth have come in & the top ones are trying to come thru, but I think we have a week still before those come out! 
Uncle Jonathan & Margaret got engaged!!! We couldn't be more excited! Can't wait to see them soon! 
Daddy had the other day off, so we headed up to Cincinnati to the Newport Aquarium! Ellie LOVED the fish!! She would watch them swim over her & try to touch them! They had a bird exhibit, where you could feed the birds. I wasn't too happy with this one, but Ellie loved it! She was trying to take a bird home with her I swear!!! She kept reach & grabbing it:) My only problem was the more people kept feeding these things, the more they were going to the bathroom ON PEOPLE!!! Luckily we escaped without any incidents! 
But here are some recent pics of the little one!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mississippi Ellie

Well, it sure has been awhile since i updated my blogs! Ellie & I have been in Mississippi for over a month now...I broke my arm at the beginning of May, had surgery on it to place a plate & 6 screws! So, to say the least I need lots of help with Ellie & I have a wonderful family who is willing to help me out! We miss Daddy more then anything though! This has been the longest we have gone with out:( Here are some pics of the growing Ellie, I can't believe she is 7 months already!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Best Picture of the weekend!!

Of course I am a little biased, but I think this is one of the most gorgeous pics of Ellie! Brantley took it Easter Sunday after church & the 2nd pic is when I left the two of them together for an hour to list a house & I returned to have Ellie passed out in her swing with the spikes still in hair!

1st Keeneland trip & "Grits n' Bits"

Ellie had her first Keeneland experience the weekend before Easter when her Uncle Rich came to visit and go to the races! In what they call horse country (here in Lexington) you can't find anything horse related for babies! So I took it upon myself to make Ellie's outfit for her first horse race...& in the works is my new company "Grits n' Bits". If you are wondering about the Grits n' Bits; Grits stands for Girls Rich into Style and Boys into Style! I'll have more sample pics coming shortly! 

Easter '09

As you get older you forget how exciting the Easter Bunny, Santa and Birthdays are, until you have kids! It was so much fun going to easter egg hunts, church, seeing the easter bunny, etc...! I can't believe Ellie is getting so big, time has really flown by these past 6 months! We've figured out that carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce and a couple others are yummy-as for the sweet peas...Ellie turns her head left to right to get away from the spoon and this is after SEVERAL different attempts:) HA! She loves going to baseball games and ANYTHING outside where she can watch Beaux chase things! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Friday, March 27, 2009

5 months!

I can't believe Ellie is almost 5 months! What an exciting 5 months it has been, we've been eating cereal for over a month now and just introduced carrots, which she LOVES! We've been to UK baseball games, a friends' bday party and LOTS of walks outside (since it FINALLY warmed up)!! We've learned to roll over, sit with a little help, laugh every time someone sneezes and are starting to show signs of teething! Can't wait to see what else she comes up with! 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Going to my friends birthday party!

Today Ellie went to her friend Claire's 2nd birthday party! It was so much fun, it was at a cheerleading and gymnastics place! Even though Ellie was a little too small to enjoy the bouncing activities, she sure did enjoy watching all the kids run around! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ellie's new toys!

We had an amazing Valentines and Anniversary (18th) this month! Brantley got Ellie her first Valentine stuffed animal-Purcy the Lion! He giggles, growls and shakes-Ellie LOVES him! I think she think he taste great too, she likes to eat his paw! We have also started putting her in her Einstein play station thing-which she loves!! She might only be 4 months, but the girl can reach the bottom, turns herself all around the thing! It's amazing to see her discover things! 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rice Cereal!!

Our little Ellie is getting to be such a big girl! She started eating rice cereal for the first time last night! She even ate it off the spoon, which we were really impressed by! She loved it too! She ate almost the whole bowl (which wasn't very big, but still). So here are some pics of our little messy rice cereal eater & Daddy in his blue scrubs with Ellie in her pink scrubs...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to all our friends and family! We are so thankful and feel so special to have Ellie in our lives! Every holiday just seems so much more special now that we have her to celebrate them with! Hope y'all have a good one!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Storm 2009

I can't wait to get back to the South, this winter white stuff is for the birds!! All Lexington schools have been canceled this whole week, we have at least an inch of ice and at least 4 inches of snow and more to come! I must say at first the scenery is beautiful, but then you realize how cold it is and the damage it is causing! Here is Ellie's first snow storm (hopefully there aren't many more to come!)